Get cashbacks info
Technical Guides
- GETGet supported blockchains. Currently only TON is supported.
- GETReturns list of supported decentralized exchanges supported by the service in the given blockchain
- GETReturns information about the given decentralized exchange for the given blockchain
- GETReturns information about the given liquidity pool for the given blockchain
- GETReturns list of pools associated with given token
- GETReturns list of tokens supported by the service
- GETReturns information about the given token for the given blockchain
- GETReturns information about the given token by its symbol for the given blockchain
- POSTReturns the best route for the given trade pair
- POSTReturns pre-built transactions for the given route. It is assumed that transactions will be signed and sent by the sender via wallet
- POSTReturns pre-built transaction for the given unstake request. It is assumed that transaction will be signed and sent by the sender via wallet
- POSTReturns pre-built transaction for the given stake request. It is assumed that transaction will be signed and sent by the sender via wallet
- GETGet route transactions execution result
- GETGet route transactions execution result
- GETCheck whether strategies wallet exists for given account address.
- POSTGet pre-built transaction for strategies wallet creation.
- GETChecks whether user is eligible for using strategies
- GETGet list of supported from-tokens for strategies
- GETGet list of supported to-tokens for strategies for given from-token
- GETGet strategy orders
- GETGet strategy order
- POSTGet pre-built transaction for strategy order creation
- DELGet pre-built transaction for strategy order cancellation
- DELCancel strategy order by id. For internal usage only.
- DELCancel all strategy orders by proxy wallet. For internal usage only.
- DELCancel all strategy orders by given token pair. For internal usage only.
- DELCancel all strategy orders. For internal usage only.
- GETGet all stakings
- GETGet staking transaction execution result
- GETGet aggregated information about staking
- GETGet aggregated information about staking for specific user
- GETGet user's staking points
- GETGet user's balances of staked tokens
- POSTBuild transaction to create new staking position
- POSTBuild transaction to extend existing position
- DELBuild transaction to close position and withdraw all money
- GETGet address of the vault of the given asset
- POSTBuild transaction to create vault for the given asset
- POSTBuild transactions to create pool of the given asset pair
- DELBuild transaction to withdraw liquidity from the pool of the given asset pair
- PATCHBuild transactions to provide liquidity to the pool of the given asset pair
Get cashbacks info
curl --request GET \
"count": 123,
"infos": [
"id": 123,
"title": "<string>",
"description": "<string>",
"distributor": "EQCZ_pV6EJNSr6XpvPaa-IVkT6ImqkiPftRMOICJP1B_75wZ",
"reward_token": "EQCZ_pV6EJNSr6XpvPaa-IVkT6ImqkiPftRMOICJP1B_75wZ",
"conditions": [
"type": "unique",
"args": [
"distribute": 123,
"distributed": 123,
"start_time_seconds": 123,
"end_time_seconds": 123,
"reward_denominator": 123,
"is_active": true,
"limits": [
"limit_id": 123,
"interval_duration_seconds": 123,
"max_distribute_at_interval": 123
"image_url": "<string>",
"references": [
"ref_name": "<string>",
"ref_url": "<string>"
"is_hidden": true
Query Parameters
Address, from which, token will be distributed to participants
Cashback token
Filter out active promotions only
Required range:
1 < x < 100
Required range:
x > 1
Account's cashback info
Total amount of similar cashback promos
Where rewards stored
How many tokens will be distributed to users
How many tokens already distributed to users
Begin cashback promo in unix seconds
End cashback promo in unix seconds
Can this cashback program accrue tokens to participants
curl --request GET \
"count": 123,
"infos": [
"id": 123,
"title": "<string>",
"description": "<string>",
"distributor": "EQCZ_pV6EJNSr6XpvPaa-IVkT6ImqkiPftRMOICJP1B_75wZ",
"reward_token": "EQCZ_pV6EJNSr6XpvPaa-IVkT6ImqkiPftRMOICJP1B_75wZ",
"conditions": [
"type": "unique",
"args": [
"distribute": 123,
"distributed": 123,
"start_time_seconds": 123,
"end_time_seconds": 123,
"reward_denominator": 123,
"is_active": true,
"limits": [
"limit_id": 123,
"interval_duration_seconds": 123,
"max_distribute_at_interval": 123
"image_url": "<string>",
"references": [
"ref_name": "<string>",
"ref_url": "<string>"
"is_hidden": true