
This page describes overall architecture and possible interactions with staking protocol developed by

User-friendly interface is available at, but this document is aiming at providing readers with technical insights, TL-B schemes and others associated complexities.

At the time of writing this article, we only support staking protocol for our own product, but we also have plans and are in the process of implementation (by the time you read this, it’s likely already implemented) to support staking protocol for partner products as well.


Staking protocol consists of 2 on-chain contracts: Master and Vault; integral off-chain backend that is responsible for rewards calciulation; and also interacts with’s rewards distribution system.

Master Contract

Master Contract is used both for storing crucial data about protocol itself and keeping funds that are being distributed as a rewards. It is also fully compatible with NFT standard by supporting all related methods of NFT Collection.

You may retrieve staking-related information by calling contract’s get method get_stored_data, which returns:

1. int initialized

1 for true, 0 for false.

2. slice admin_address

3. slice distributor_address

Technical wallet that is a part of’s rewards distribution system and which serves as a proxy point for users which want to claim their staking rewards.

4. slice vault_address

Address of a staking Vault Contract associated with this Master Contract.

5. cell state

Cell of the following format:

state total_points:Coins next_nft_id:uint64 = State;

6. cell rewards

Contains information about the rewards that were (or being) distributed across all the users that participate(d) in staking.

Cell is being represented as a cell-referencing dictionary, which can be read as follows:

(cell data, int found) = rewards.udict_get_ref?(256, slice_hash(jetton_wallet));
if (found) {
  slice ds = data.begin_parse();
  int duration = ds~load_uint(64);
  int finish_at = ds~load_uint(64);
  int started_at = finish_at - duration;
  int reward_per_point = ds~load_coins();

Every time this cell is updated, external out message is being generated:

notify_reward#0xa9577f0 query_id:uint64 jetton_wallet:MsgAddressInt duration:uint64 finish_at:uint64 reward_rate:Coins = NotifyReward;

In the message above, reward_rate is being calculated in one of the following ways:

int update_time = now();
if (update_time > previous_finish_at) {
  reward_rate = reward_total_amount / duration;
} else {
  reward_rate = mul_add_div_mod_r(previous_finish_at - update_time, reward_per_point, reward_total_amount, duration);

Simplified version of the code that allows you to calculate reward for specific staking position:

int staking_position_points = 0; ;; fill with your value
int staking_position_created_at = 0; ;; fill with your value
int acquiring_at = now(); ;; fill with your value: time at which user decides to acquire his reward
int reward_rate = 0; ;; must be retrieved by catching external out message
int NORMALIZER = 1_000_000_000_000_000_000;

if (staking_position_created_at < updated_at) {
  ;; In real world things are a bit more complicated, because rewards distribution may be updated after
  ;; users' staking positions were created. Internally there's a mechanism that handles such updates
  ;; and recalculates every staking position's rewards accordingly.
  return 0;
if (acquiring_time > finish_at) {
  acquiring_time = finish_at;
int delta_time = acquiring_time - updated_at;
return reward_rate * delta_time * NORMALIZER * staking_position_points / total_points;

7. cell jettons

Unlike many other staking protocols, ours supports staking of not only one specific token, but of any (pre-defined by the protocol administrator) set of them. One of the purposes of the Master Contract is to be an entry point to retrieve list of such supported tokens, and this exact cell contains them.

Cell is being represented as a cell-referencing dictionary, which can be read as follows:

(cell data, int found) = jettons.udict_get_ref?(256, slice_hash(jetton_wallet));
if (found) {
  slice ds = data.begin_parse();
  slice jetton_wallet = ds~load_msg_addr();
  int jetton_normalizer = ds~load_coins();

Only those jettons that are defined in this cell may be staked. Normalizer defines amount of points being accrued for staking one piece of this jetton.

8. cell periods

Investment of funds is possible only for one of the predetermined periods, which are stored in this exact cell.

Cell is being represented as a cell-referencing dictionary, which can be read as follows:

(cell data, int found) = periods.udict_get_ref?(32, period_id);
if (found) {
  slice ds = data.begin_parse();
  int duration = ds~load_uint(64);
  int percentage = ds~load_uint(64);

For a given period, user final points may be calculated as:

  int base_points = jetton_staked_amount * jetton_normalizer;
  return mul_div_r(base_points, percentage, 100);

Vault Contract

This contract serves both as a storage for users’ staked assets and as a proxy for users’ interactions with the Master Contract.


New staking position may be created by sending jettons to the Vault Contract with specific forward_payload:

period period_id:uint32 = Period;
transfer#f8a7ea5 query_id:uint64 amount:(VarUInteger 16) destination_address:MsgAddress response_address:MsgAddress custom_payload:(Maybe ^Cell) forward_amount:(VarUInteger 16) forward_payload:(Maybe ^Period) = Transfer;

After such action, if succeeded, users’ assets will be held until he decides to withdraw them (after lock period expires), and NFT Item that corresponds to Master Contract as a NFT collection will be created and sent to the user who initiated this transaction.

Example of full deposit transaction could be found here.


Despite being written under Vault Contract section, withdrawal is performed by sending a specific transaction to the NFT Item user received after staking his jettons. Message’s body looks as follows:

close_staking_position#0xcb03bfaf query_id:uint64 = CloseStakingPosition;

If everything is ok, there will be a chain of messages initiated by the NFT Item that will go through the Master Contract right to the Vault Contract, freeing user’s assets.

Off-Chain Backend

As briefly described before, our staking protocol hardly depends on the off-chain part that not only indexes blockchain in order to track all the users actions related to staking, but also allows us to integrate staking protocol into already existing’s rewards distribution system.

This is a closed proprietary product, therefore there is not really much to write about it. Despite the fact that there are some interactions that users will encounter when using our staking protocol such as rewards claiming, we’re not ready yet to provide in-depth details about it. But stay tuned and maybe in some future it will also appear on our documentation website :)