Welcome to the βš™οΈ Expert Settings section of swap.coffee, where powerful tools are available for optimizing your swaps. These features give you full control over the process and help you achieve the best results.

🎯 Fine-Tune Your Swaps

The expert settings include the following key parameters:

πŸ“‰ Slippage Tolerance

  • What is it?: Sets the range of acceptable price changes.
  • Why is it needed?: If the price moves beyond the set range, the transaction is automatically canceled to protect your funds.

⚑ Price Impact Control

  • Market Control: Manage how much your swap can impact the market price.
  • Result: Reduces the risk of unwanted price fluctuations.

πŸ”€ Intermediate Tokens

  • Route Settings: Specify the maximum number of intermediate tokens.
  • Important to Know: More intermediate tokens can:
    • Increase gas costs.
    • Raise the risk of receiving an unwanted intermediate token.

πŸ“Š Pool Volatility

  • Risk Mitigation: Exclude routes through pools with high volatility.
  • Why is this useful?: It adds stability to your swap.

πŸ”— Parallel Transactions

  • Scaling: With a W5 wallet, you can create up to 20 parallel transactions at once.
  • Advantage: Speeds up operations and enhances efficiency.

πŸš€ Why is This Important?

By using these settings, you can achieve maximum efficiency and precision in your swaps on swap.coffee.

πŸ’‘ Tip: Experiment with these settings to find the optimal balance for your needs.