This page contains extensive information about custom entities used in communication with/in-between DEX contracts.



constant_product$000 = AMM;

curve_fi_stable$001 = AMM;

Defines AMM strategy type of the pool.

AMM Settings

Some AMM strategies require additional settings whenever pool with such strategy is about to be created. Person who initiates this process must provide AMM settings cell within the transaction. Please, keep in mind that non-Constant Product pools may be created by the DEX administration only.

CurveFi Stable

amm_settings amplification:uint16 asset1_weight:Coins
             asset2_weight:Coins = AmmSettings;
Property NameMeaning
amplificationMultiplier used in StableSwap formulas. The higher this value is, the closer exchange price stays to 1:1. The lower this value is, the more exchange price looks like from Constant Product formula
asset1_weightValue by which first asset reserves and amounts multiplied in StableSwap formulas. Usually a power of 10
asset2_weightValue by which second asset reserves and amounts multiplied in StableSwap formulas. Usually a power of 10


none$00 = DepositLiquidityCondition;

lp_quantity$01 min_lp_amount:Coins = DepositLiquidityCondition;

reserves_ratio$10 denominator:uint16 min_nominator:uint16
                  max_nominator:uint16 = DepositLiquidityCondition;

complex$11 min_lp_amount:Coins denominator:uint16 min_nominator:uint16
           max_nominator:uint16 = DepositLiquidityCondition;

Defines condition, which will be checked whenever contract receives liquidity deposition request. If it fails, transaction will be reverted.


Equivalent to no-condition.


Allows to set minimum quantity of LP tokens you will get in return after liquidity deposition happens. If real quantity is lower than the given one, transaction will be reverted.


Allows to check pool reserves ratio before your liquidity deposition happens. In other words, all of the following formulas must be true:

  • reserves1 / reserves2 >= min_nominator / denominator
  • reserves1 / reserves2 <= max_nominator / denominator


Just a combination of none and reserves_ratio.


native$00 = Asset;

jetton$01 chain:uint8 hash:uint256 = Asset;

extra$10 id:uint32 = Asset;

Defines asset type (and metadata) to work with.


Used for TONcoin.


Used for any jettons.


Used for extra currencies.


pool_params first:Asset second:Asset amm:AMM = PoolParams;

Used to uniquely identify the pool. Only one pool can exist for given asset-pair and AMM type.


notification_data_single receiver:MsgAddressInt fwd_gas:Coins
                         payload:^Cell = NotificationDataSingle;

Defines where to send (and with how much gas) custom payload for various actions within DEX.

If receiver is none, it’s considered being equal to transaction recipient.


notification_data on_success:(Maybe ^NotificationDataSingle)
                  on_failure:(Maybe ^NotificationDataSingle) = NotificationData;

Defines how to handle notifications (custom payloads) in none of, one of or both scenarios of successful/failed execution.


pool_update_params flags:(## 3) amm_settings:flags.0?^Cell
                   protocol_fee:flags.1?uint16 lp_fee:flags.1?uint16
                   is_active:flags.2?uint1 = PoolUpdateParams;

Defines pool’s parameters that may be updated by DEX administrator.


swap_params deadline:uint32 recipient:MsgAddressInt referral:MsgAddressInt
            notification_data:(Maybe ^NotificationData) = SwapParams;

Defines parameters that are essential for all (multi-hop) steps of single swap transaction:

Property NameMeaning
deadlineUnix timestamp. If contract receives swap message after that time, transaction will be failed at that step
recipientAddress to which funds must go after swap transaction is over (both in success/failure scenarios). Must be present
referralAddress to which referral fees will be accrued. If none, referral fees go to the protocol
notification_dataUsed for custom payloads. See: NotificationData


swap_step_params pool_address_hash:uint256 min_output_amount:Coins
                 next:(Maybe ^SwapStepParams) = SwapStepParams;

Defines parameters that are unique for every (multi-hop) step of swap transaction:

Property NameMeaning
pool_address_hashHash part of the pool’s address
min_output_amountMinimum quantity of output asset to receive. If you get less, transaction will fail
nextNext swap-step if any


swap_step_internal_params previous_amount:Coins previous_asset_hint:(Maybe Asset)
                          next:(Maybe ^SwapStepParams) = SwapStepInternalParams;

Same as SwapStepParams, but is being used in inter-contract communication.

Property NameMeaning
previous_amountAmount of asset you received on the previous swap-step
previous_asset_hintAsset you received on the previous swap-step. It’s present only in cases when user tries to perform sequential swaps on pools of the same asset-pairs (but probably different AMM types)
min_output_amountMinimum quantity of output asset to receive. If you get less, transaction will fail
nextNext swap-step if any


pool_reserves input_reserve:Coins output_reserve:Coins = PoolReserves;

Defines reserves of the pool.


deposit_liquidity_params_trimmed recipient:MsgAddressInt referral:MsgAddressInt
                                 deadline:uint32 condition:DepositLiquidityCondition
                                 notification_data:(Maybe ^NotificationData)
= DepositLiquidityParamsTrimmed;

Defines parameters required for liquidity provisioning. This exact entity is being used in inter-contract communication and lacks some of extra information (see below).

Property NameMeaning
recipientAddress to which LP tokens must go after transaction succeed (or to which funds must return in failure scenario). Must be present
referralReferral address used exclusively for analytical purposes. No fees or any kind or rewards will be given
deadlineUnix timestamp. If contract receives liquidity provisioning message after that time, transaction will be failed at that step
conditionUsed to protect the liquidity provider from unfavorable pool conditions. See: DepositLiquidityCondition
notification_dataUsed for custom payloads. See: NotificationData


deposit_liquidity_params params:^DepositLiquidityParamsTrimmed
                         pool_params:^PoolParams = DepositLiquidityParams;

Extended version of the previous one. Pool parameters are used to identify the pool.


contract_update code:(Maybe ^Cell) data:(Maybe ^Cell) = ContractUpdate;

Entity used in administrative action of contract updates.



swap_native#c0ffee00 query_id:uint64 amount:Coins _:SwapStepParams
                     params:^SwapParams = SwapNative;

Must be sent by user to the Native Vault to initiate swap transaction.

Property NameMeaning
query_idNon-unique identifier which you may specify to track this transaction
amountAmount of TONs to swap. Must be lower than the message value of TONs (because extra TONs will be used to pay for gas, and will be returned at the end of the transaction)
_Parameters for the first swap-step of the transaction. See: SwapStepParams
paramsParameters that are essential for all steps of the swap transaction. See: SwapParams


swap_jetton#c0ffee10 _:SwapStepParams params:^SwapParams = SwapJetton;

Must be sent by user to the corresponding Jetton Vault as a custom payload of a jetton-transfer message to initiate swap transaction.

Query ID, jetton and it’s amount are being determined internally from jetton transfer notification and therefore mustn’t be present here.

Property NameMeaning
_Parameters for the first swap-step of the transaction. See: SwapStepParams
paramsParameters that are essential for all steps of the swap transaction. See: SwapParams


swap_extra#c0ffee01 query_id:uint64 _:SwapStepParams
                    params:^SwapParams = SwapExtra;

Must be sent by user to the corresponding Extra-Currency Vault to initiate swap transaction.

Extra-currency and it’s amount are being determined internally from the vault type and extra-currencies dictionary within the message.

Property NameMeaning
query_idNon-unique identifier which you may specify to track this transaction
_Parameters for the first swap-step of the transaction. See: SwapStepParams
paramsParameters that are essential for all steps of the swap transaction. See: SwapParams


swap_successful_event#c0ffee30 query_id:uint64 input:Asset input_amount:Coins
                               reserves:^PoolReserves = SwapSuccessfulEvent;

Is being sent by the pool as an external outgoing message whenever swap step completes successfully.

This message occurs after payout is guaranteed to happen, but before it actually happens.

Property NameMeaning
query_idPropagated identifier
inputInput (given) asset of the swap operation. There is no output asset property, but it may be determined from the pool address and data
input_amountAmount of input (given) asset of the swap operation
output_amountAmount of output (received) asset of the swap operation
reservesPool’s reserves at the moment swap happened


swap_failed_event#c0ffee31 query_id:uint64 input:Asset input_amount:Coins
                           reserves:(Maybe ^PoolReserves) = SwapFailedEvent;

Is being sent by the pool as an external outgoing message whenever swap step completes badly (i.e. it was slippage tolerated or deadline exceeded).

This message occurs after payout (of the input asset) is guaranteed to happen, but before it actually happens.

Despite the fact that message itself does not contain failure reason, it may be determined as an exit code of the TVM.

Property NameMeaning
query_idPropagated identifier
inputInput (given) asset of the swap operation. There is no output asset property, but it may be determined from the pool address and data
input_amountAmount of input (given) asset of the swap operation
reservesInformation about pool’s reserves at a time it tries to execute this transaction. Guaranteed to be present to slippage-tolerated failures only


create_pool_native#c0ffee02 query_id:uint64 amount:Coins params:PoolParams
                            amm_settings:(Maybe ^Cell)
                            notification_data:(Maybe ^NotificationData)
= CreatePoolNative;

Must be sent by user to the Native Vault as a part of pool creation (and it’s initial liquidity provisioning).

Property NameMeaning
query_idNon-unique identifier which you may specify to track this transaction
amountAmount of TONs to deposit into liquidity. Must be lower than the message value of TONs (because extra TONs will be used to pay for gas, and will be returned at the end of the transaction)
paramsParameters used to uniquely identify the pool. See: PoolParams
amm_settingsCell of AMM settings. Must be set for those AMMs that require it
notification_dataUsed for custom payloads. See: NotificationData


create_pool_jetton#c0ffee11 params:PoolParams amm_settings:(Maybe ^Cell)
                            notification_data:(Maybe ^NotificationData)
= CreatePoolJetton;

Must be sent by user to the corresponding Jetton Vault as a part of pool creation (and it’s initial liquidity provisioning). This message must be included as a custom payload to the jetton-transfer message.

Query ID, jetton and it’s amount are being determined internally from jetton transfer notification and therefore mustn’t be present here.

Property NameMeaning
paramsParameters used to uniquely identify the pool. See: PoolParams
amm_settingsCell of AMM settings. Must be set for those AMMs that require it
notification_dataUsed for custom payloads. See: NotificationData


create_pool_extra#c0ffee03 query_id:uint64 params:PoolParams
                           amm_settings:(Maybe ^Cell)
                           notification_data:(Maybe ^NotificationData)
= CreatePoolExtra;

Must be sent by user to the corresponding Extra-Currency Vault as a part of pool creation (and it’s initial liquidity provisioning).

Extra-currency and it’s amount are being determined internally from the vault type and extra-currencies dictionary within the message.

Property NameMeaning
query_idNon-unique identifier which you may specify to track this transaction
paramsParameters used to uniquely identify the pool. See: PoolParams
amm_settingsCell of AMM settings. Must be set for those AMMs that require it
notification_dataUsed for custom payloads. See: NotificationData


deposit_liquidity_native#c0ffee04 query_id:uint64 amount:Coins
= DepositLiquidityNative;

Must be sent by user to the Native Vault as a part of liquidity provisioning process.

Property NameMeaning
query_idNon-unique identifier which you may specify to track this transaction
amountAmount of TONs to deposit into liquidity. Must be lower than the message value of TONs (because extra TONs will be used to pay for gas, and will be returned at the end of the transaction)
paramsParameters used for liquidity provisioning. See: DepositLiquidityParams


deposit_liquidity_jetton#c0ffee12 params:DepositLiquidityParams
= DepositLiquidityJetton;

Must be sent by user to the corresponding Jetton Vault as a part of liquidity provisioning process. This message must be included as a custom payload to the jetton-transfer message.

Query ID, jetton and it’s amount are being determined internally from jetton transfer notification and therefore mustn’t be present here.

Property NameMeaning
paramsParameters used for liquidity provisioning. See: DepositLiquidityParams


deposit_liquidity_extra#c0ffee05 query_id:uint64 params:DepositLiquidityParams
= DepositLiquidityExtra;

Must be sent by user to the corresponding Extra-Currency Vault as a part of liquidity provisioning process.

Extra-currency and it’s amount are being determined internally from the vault type and extra-currencies dictionary within the message.

Property NameMeaning
query_idNon-unique identifier which you may specify to track this transaction
paramsParameters used for liquidity provisioning. See: DepositLiquidityParams


deposit_liquidity_successful_event#c0ffee33 query_id:uint64 amount1:Coins
                                            amount2:Coins lp_amount:Coins
= DepositLiquiditySuccessfulEvent;

Is being sent by the pool as an external outgoing message whenever liquidity provisioning step completes successfully.

This message occurs after LP tokens payout is guaranteed to happen, but before it actually happens.

Property NameMeaning
query_idPropagated identifier
amount1Amount of pool’s first asset that were used for the liquidity provisioning
amount2Amount of pool’s second asset that were used for the liquidity provisioning
lp_amountAmount of LP tokens user received as a result of this liquidity provisioning
total_supplyInformation about how pool’s LP tokens total supply changed with this operation
reservesPool’s reserves at the moment this operation happened


deposit_liquidity_failed_event#c0ffee34 query_id:uint64 amount1:Coins
                                        amount2:Coins min_lp_amount:Coins
                                        total_supply:Coins reserves:PoolReserves
= DepositLiquidityFailedEvent;

Is being sent by the pool as an external outgoing message whenever liquidity provisioning step completes badly (i.e. it’s condition check failed or deadline exceeded).

This message occurs after payout (of provided assets) is guaranteed to happen, but before it actually happens.

Despite the fact that message itself does not contain failure reason, it may be determined as an exit code of the TVM.

Property NameMeaning
query_idPropagated identifier
amount1Amount of pool’s first asset that were about to be used for the liquidity provisioning
amount2Amount of pool’s second asset that were about to be used for the liquidity provisioning
min_lp_amountMinimum amount of LP tokens user was asking for
total_supplyTotal supply of LP tokens at the moment this liquidity provisioning was about to happen
reservesPool’s reserves at the moment this liquidity provisioning was about to happen


liquidity_withdrawal_event#c0ffee35 query_id:uint64 amount1:Coins amount2:Coins
                                    lp_amount:Coins total_supply:PoolReserves
= LiquidityWithdrawalEvent;

Is being sent by the pool as an external outgoing message whenever somebody withdraws previously provided liquidity.

This message occurs after payout is guaranteed to happen, but before it actually happens.

Property NameMeaning
query_idPropagated identifier
amount1Amount of pool’s first asset that will be sent to the user
amount2Amount of pool’s second asset that will be sent to the user
lp_amountAmount of LP tokens being burnt
total_supplyInformation about how pool’s LP tokens total supply changed with this operation
reservesPool’s reserves at the moment this operation happened


withdraw_deposit#c0ffee07 query_id:uint64 = WithdrawDeposit;

Must be sent by the user to the PoolCreator or LiquidityDepository if only one of 2 liquidity provisioning transactions succeeded and user decides to cancel previously initiated process. As a result of this message execution, all half-way deposited funds will be returned back to the user.



payout#c0ffee32 query_id:uint64 = Payout;

Is being sent by the Native Vault and Extra-Currency Vaults in some cases. More specifically, it occurs if:

  • Operation was initiated without notifications (custom payloads)
  • Operation was initiated with notification, but it’s recipient differs from the wallet that receives funds

It means that in a situation when operation was initiated with notification, but it’s recipient is the same as the one who receives funds, this message won’t be created.


create_vault#c0ffee06 query_id:uint64 asset:Asset = CreateVault;

Must be sent by a user to the Factory in order to create new vault.

Property NameMeaning
query_idNon-unique identifier which you may specify to track this transaction
assetAsset for which new vault must be created

Inter-contract communication


swap_internal#c0ffee20 query_id:uint64 _:SwapStepInternalParams params:^SwapParams
                       proof:^Cell = SwapInternal;

For any first step of swap transaction, this message will be sent from Vaults to the Pool. For any intermediate steps of swap transaction, it will be sent from one Pool to another.

Property NameMeaning
query_idPropagated identifier
_Parameters of the current swap step
paramsParameters which are essential for all steps of this swap transaction
proofSpecial cell constructed for securing inter-contract communication


payout_internal#c0ffee21 query_id:uint64 recipient:MsgAddressInt amount:Coins
                         notification_data:(Maybe ^NotificationDataSingle)
                         proof:(Maybe ^Cell) = PayoutInternal;

Is being sent by Pools to the Vaults every time Pool decides that a payment must happen.

Keep in mind that there’s no asset defined in the message, because it can be determined by the Vault data.

Property NameMeaning
query_idPropagated identifier
recipientAddress of the one who will receive funds
amountAmount of asset to be sent to the recipient
notification_dataUsed for custom payloads. See: NotificationData
proofSpecial cell constructed for securing inter-contract communication


deploy#c0ffee22 code:^Cell data:^Cell action:(Maybe ^Cell) = Deploy;

Is being sent by Factory every time it decides to deploy a new contract.

Property NameMeaning
codeCode of the contract
dataData of the contract
actionOptional code cell that must be invoked after contract initialization


create_pool_creator_request#c0ffee23 query_id:uint64 amount:Coins params:^PoolParams
                                     amm_settings:(Maybe ^Cell)
                                     notification_data:(Maybe ^NotificationData)
                                     proof:^Cell = CreatePoolCreatorRequest;

Is being sent by Vaults to the Factory at the moment somebody tries to create new pool.

Keep in mind that there’s no asset defined in the message, because it can be determined by the Vault data.

Property NameMeaning
query_idPropagated identifier
amountAmount of this vault’s asset user provided as an initial liquidity for the pool
paramsParameters to uniquely identify the pool to be created
amm_settingsCell of AMM settings. Must be set for those AMMs that require it
recipientAddress of the one who will receive LP tokens
notification_dataUsed for custom payloads. See: NotificationData
proofSpecial cell constructed for securing inter-contract communication


create_pool_creator_internal#c0ffee24 query_id:uint64 asset:Asset amm:AMM
                                      amm_settings:(Maybe ^Cell) amount:Coins
                                      notification_data:(Maybe ^NotificationData)
= CreatePoolCreatorInternal;

Is being sent by the Factory whenever it’s about to deploy new PoolCreator.

Properties are pretty much the same with CreatePoolCreatorRequest.


create_pool_request#c0ffee25 query_id:uint64 amount1:Coins amount2:Coins
                             recipient:MsgAddressInt amm_settings:(Maybe ^Cell)
                             notification_data:(Maybe ^NotificationData)
                             proof:^Cell = CreatePoolRequest;

Is being sent by the PoolCreator to the Factory when it’s time the uninitialize PoolCreator and deploy a Pool.

Properties are pretty much the same with CreatePoolCreatorRequest.


create_pool_internal#c0ffee26 query_id:uint64 amount1:Coins amount2:Coins
                              notification_data:(Maybe ^NotificationData)
= CreatePoolInternal;

Is being sent by the Factory whenever it’s about to deploy new Pool.

Properties are pretty much the same with CreatePoolCreatorRequest.


create_liquidity_depository_request#c0ffee27 query_id:uint64 amount:Coins
= CreateLiquidityDepositoryRequest;

Is being sent by Vaults to the Factory at the moment somebody tries to deposit liquidity to some pool.

Keep in mind that there’s no asset defined in the message, because it can be determined by the Vault data.

Property NameMeaning
query_idPropagated identifier
amountAmount of this vault’s asset user provided as a liquidity for the pool
paramsParameters for liquidity provisioning. See DepositLiquidityParams
proofSpecial cell constructed for securing inter-contract communication


create_liquidity_depository_internal#c0ffee28 query_id:uint64 asset:Asset amm:AMM
= CreateLiquidityDepositoryInternal;

Is being sent by the Factory whenever it’s about to deploy new LiquidityDepository.

Properties are pretty much the same with CreateLiquidityDepositoryRequest.


deposit_liquidity_internal#c0ffee29 query_id:uint64 amount1:Coins amount2:Coins
                                    proof:^Cell = DepositLiquidityInternal;

Is being sent by the LiquidityDepository to the Pool when it’s time to uninitialize LiquidityDepository and execute liquidity provisioning on the Pool side.

Properties are pretty much the same with CreateLiquidityDepositoryRequest.


create_vault_internal#c0ffee2a query_id:uint64 = CreateVaultInternal;

Is being sent by the Factory whenever it’s about to deploy new Vault.


update_pool_internal#c0ffee2b query_id:uint64 excesses_receiver:MsgAddressInt
                              params:^PoolUpdateParams = UpdatePoolInternal;

Is being sent by the Factory to the Pool whenever it receives administrative request to do so.


activate_vault_internal#c0ffee2c query_id:uint64
                                 wallet:MsgAddressInt = ActivateVaultInternal;

Is being sent by the Factory to the Vault whenever it receives administrative request to do so.

When Factory creates new Jetton Vault, it internally initiates process of determining it’s own jetton wallet’s address. It is required to ensure security later on, but unfortunately in order to obtain that address Jetton Vault needs to ask Jetton Master for it. Not all Jetton Masters support such thing on-chain, therefore for some older jettons administrative affection is required.


update_contract_internal#c0ffee2d query_id:uint64 excesses_receiver:MsgAddressInt
                                  _:ContractUpdate = UpdateContractInternal;

Is being sent by the Factory to any DEX contract whenever it receives administrative request to do so.



update_admin#c0ffee40 query_id:uint64 address:MsgAddressInt = UpdateAdmin;

Must be sent from the administrative wallet to the Factory in order to update administrative wallet’s address.


update_pool#c0ffee41 query_id:uint64 pool_params:PoolParams
                     params:^PoolUpdateParams = UpdatePool;

Must be sent from the administrative wallet to the Factory in order to update parameters of the pool.


activate_vault#c0ffee42 query_id:uint64 asset:Asset
                        wallet:MsgAddressInt = ActivateVault;

Must be sent from the administrative wallet to the Factory in order to activate some Jetton Vault.


withdraw#c0ffee43 query_id:uint64 asset:Asset amount:Coins
                  receiver:MsgAddressInt = Withdraw;

Must be sent from the withdrawer wallet to the Factory in order to withdraw some assets.

Used to withdraw protocol and referral fees: they are not distributed (nor calculated) on-chain, because it will lead to significantly higher gas consumption for end-users.


update_code_cell#c0ffee44 query_id:uint64 code_cell:^Cell = UpdateCodeCell;

Must be sent from the administrative wallet to the Factory in order to update code cells of all the contracts that will be deployed by the Factory in the future.


update_contract#c0ffee45 query_id:uint64 contract_address:MsgAddressInt
                         _:ContractUpdate = UpdateContract;

Must be sent from the administrative wallet to the Factory in order to update already existing contract.

contract_address must be none in case of administrator wanting to upgrade the Factory itself.


update_withdrawer#c0ffee46 query_id:uint64 address:MsgAddressInt = UpdateWithdrawer;

Must be sent from the administrative wallet to the Factory in order to update withdrawer wallet’s address.